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Cookies Policy

We use cookies* in a responsible manner to help our visitors. Cookies are used to identify you with your shopping list or other information you wish to save; and to remember your details so you do not have to give them twice.

* Cookies are tiny bits of information that we put on your computer to enable us to recognise you next time you visit our website. Cookies do not tell us anything about you except what you allow us to know through ordering or browsing our site or completing online forms. For security reasons, none of your personal information or account details are stored in the cookie. Most web browsers can be set not to accept cookies, or to notify you if a cookie is sent to you. We use cookies to make your experience on our website as smooth and efficient as possible, with information customised to your needs.


We store user and password files with personal information in a secure manner. We store such files in areas not accessible to Web browsers, or behind password protection, or off-line. Where appropriate, we use industry-standard SSL-encryption to protect data transmissions. We do not store any credit or debit card details for electronic payments made on this site.

If you have submitted personal information to us electronically and would like it removed or if any of the information we hold about you is incorrect or needs updating please email or write to Marketing Department, Specialist Paints on Line, Kirkby Street, Hull. HU2 0HE

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